Halloween is pretty well known in our world but many think it is just a foolish day, but its not.

Our Celtic ancestors honored this day as a harvest – Samhain (pronounced saah-win or sow-win, sev-en depending on nationality).

To the ancient Celts, the year had two “hinges”. These were Beltaine (the first of May) and Samhain, (the first of November), which is also the traditional Celtic New Year. And these two days were the most magical, and often frightening times of the whole year.

This marked the end of summer, as Samhain literally means ‘summers end’ and the beginning of the dark half of the year. It was a time to honor their loved ones that had passed. At this time the veil between the worlds dissipated and the Gods drew near to the earth.

We have about a week for the celebrations, as this year the exact midpoint between the fall equinox and winter solstice is November 7, 202o, but we celebrate it (normally) on October 31st. At this time the veil between the worlds is thin, connecting us to our ancestors. At this time we seen many Pagans having Dumb Suppers at this time, but what is it?

A Dumb Supper is simple an evening meal that takes place at Samhain. From what I could find, this occasion began in the middle ages and is still widely celebrated to this day. I have also heard that similar traditions can be found in the Ozarks, as well as the Appalachian Mountains (whose ancestors are from Ireland, Scotland, etc and it has been passed down through the family). On this night a special meal is prepared (some cater to the likes of their loved ones that have passed, some have a special meal they make, and some just simply cook a regular meal. The name sounds a bit insulting, but it is not; it simply means a meal held in silence. In this meal, a place is set at the head of the table for your ancestors, as well as a plate of food for them as well, as we are inviting them to partake in this meal with us. In their chair, place things they enjoyed; such as favorite books, items, and even pictures. You can celebrate one or all, and you can use different candles to represent each one. This meal is to be eaten in silence, meaning no talking, as showing reverence for our loved ones who have passed, and the plates are already prepared, saving the noise of passing bowls. It is a time to send messages to our loved ones by writing them messages and burning them in a fire, enclosing some rosemary (remembrance) herb or oil in the paper is good as well. 

Nowadays, death is looked upon a lot differently than our ancestors did. To them, they knew that life is circular, not linear, and that their loved ones would return again. They knew that the womb and tomb sit back to back. They celebrated life as they knew how precious it was. Life was hard for them, but they didn’t dwell on the hardships, they celebrated the good, the bounty, securing land and well-being for their family/clan. 

A Dumb Supper, or it’s neo-name Silent Supper, is a wonderful way to recognize our loved ones who have passed as well as our ancestors we only knew in photos, by name, or by finding on a family tree. 

Of course this is a very watered down explanation, but I just wanted to bring awareness to this day of reverence.

Samhain blessings,

Sirona Rose