We begin this month on the tail end of an Aries full moon that is the threshold to a new eclipse season. There’s another energy that we have just experienced and that was the Fall Equinox; also known as Mabon.

Mabon, the fall equinox, is considered a harvest time to our some of our ancestors.

The Welsh God Mabon is known as the Divine Son, the Son of Light. This is the time of year we are reminded of the self sacrifice the God must make; to die and be reborn again. In the Talisan he is known as ‘chief of the glittering west’, meaning the energy of the setting sun. Mabon (pronounced MAH-bon) is a time of reflection, as well as release.

The full moon in Aries can cause some sleepless nights with a bit of anxiousness. As the sun is in Libra, this fire and air can have us mentally wired and down right exhausted. Which brings us to the energy of Fall equinox.

While we are celebrating the fall here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the Spring Equinox – endings and beginnings. Some thing that those of us in the western world do not grass is that with every ending there is a beginning. This is the circle of life, the ouraborus… The snake eating its own tail. When we see these things of antiquity, due to our lack of knowledge, we do not fully understand them. But these symbols that were left behind by our ancestors are here to help us along the way. As they read the stars and delved into the mysteries of our world, they tried to leave behind writings, art, and tales to help us succeed in the future. A people thinking about not only their future, but generations way ahead of them.

Aries, the self; Libra is all about relationships. To me, it’s saying that the relationship with our self reflects our relationship with others. This could also be about releasing guilt that we feel because people may not see us as we are. A times of releasing old perspectives that no longer align with us. Libra is also about intellect, so we could be changing our thoughts about things. We can’t control those things on the outside, we control our Self. Come back to you – embracing your sovereignty.

We have to stop looking outside of ourself and look within. Where are you giving your power away??

Venus has been having an on and off square with Uranus which is taking us back to ourself and relationships as she is having her final square with Uranus. The relationship within: do you honor yourself? Do you compromise too much?

We are being called to be more authentic, sovereign, more in alignment to our soul.

With the south node involvement this is bring back the past, maybe something from the past you’ve held on to for too long. It could be a relationship or your emotional connection to a relationship.

Revelations and mindset changes, taking new actions from the lessons learned, realizing what the hiccup is and doing something to change it.

This super full moon is in the first house, the house of self.

Stepping out of the Pisces waters of one, we are now discovering who we are…..the Self.

Seeing who you are on a deeper level, coming back to you and looking into your future.

Letting go of past relationships, a time that is gone. No matter how many times you may step into the same stream, you will never step into the same water twice. You experience a certain energy once and then it is gone, and just like that you are treading new waters. The past, no matter how deep the roots may run, it’s just that… The past. But with that ending a new beginning awaits. In this new beginning, we are once again reminded of our dreams, our aspirations that we see ourselves boldly walking toward. That part of us, or that version of us I should say is gone, and this new person is being reborn. With our moon in a fire, sign and Venus and a fire sign, we are yet again reminded of our inner flame, that which fuels us to go forward in our life. It is reminding us that we must release that which is past in order to go forward into the future into the newness. we will have to say goodbye to an old way. Those fires have completely incinerated the old versions of ourselves, cleansing us from exteriors that we have outgrown. Like a Phenix rising from its own ashes, we too are new, fresh and clean, and now we are stepping out onto this new journey. This new experience may have us totally vulnerable, but yet we are in afraid. We are learning to master ourselves, and we are moving through, and that is a good thing.

To me this eclipse season is about letting go of those things that keep us held back in a maleficent way. It is time to cut ourselves off from self punishment that we may do, leaving behind those bad habits, thoughts and different ways that are just not good for our well-being. Aries reminds us to be the emperor of your life, to be the master of you. Aries, remind you that it’s not in other things that you will find your power. It is within you. It is the enter flame that keeps us fueled and going. The sun shining onto the moon p, deep into our emotions. It is telling us to bring those dreams back into your awareness again. Even this ‘one thing’ is over it, doesn’t mean there’s nothing better on the horizon. The power is within us, we have the ability to use what we have to better ourselves, or stay where we are and spiral into nothingness. We have an opportunity here, it is taketake advantage of what we have, and use it to better ourselves. This will help bring harmony to the one relationship which determines all of your relationships- the one with Self.


Sirona Rose

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