

Keeper of the Flame

October Eve, Astrological Update 9/30/23

We begin this month on the tail end of an Aries full moon that is the threshold to a new eclipse season. There’s another energy that we have just experienced and that was the Fall Equinox; also known as Mabon.

Mabon, the fall equinox, is considered a harvest time to our some of our ancestors.

The Welsh God Mabon is known as the Divine Son, the Son of Light. This is the time of year we are reminded of the self sacrifice the God must make; to die and be reborn again. In the Talisan he is known as ‘chief of the glittering west’, meaning the energy of the setting sun. Mabon (pronounced MAH-bon) is a time of reflection, as well as release.

The full moon in Aries can cause some sleepless nights with a bit of anxiousness. As the sun is in Libra, this fire and air can have us mentally wired and down right exhausted. Which brings us to the energy of Fall equinox.

While we are celebrating the fall here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the Spring Equinox – endings and beginnings. Some thing that those of us in the western world do not grass is that with every ending there is a beginning. This is the circle of life, the ouraborus… The snake eating its own tail. When we see these things of antiquity, due to our lack of knowledge, we do not fully understand them. But these symbols that were left behind by our ancestors are here to help us along the way. As they read the stars and delved into the mysteries of our world, they tried to leave behind writings, art, and tales to help us succeed in the future. A people thinking about not only their future, but generations way ahead of them.

Aries, the self; Libra is all about relationships. To me, it’s saying that the relationship with our self reflects our relationship with others. This could also be about releasing guilt that we feel because people may not see us as we are. A times of releasing old perspectives that no longer align with us. Libra is also about intellect, so we could be changing our thoughts about things. We can’t control those things on the outside, we control our Self. Come back to you – embracing your sovereignty.

We have to stop looking outside of ourself and look within. Where are you giving your power away??

Venus has been having an on and off square with Uranus which is taking us back to ourself and relationships as she is having her final square with Uranus. The relationship within: do you honor yourself? Do you compromise too much?

We are being called to be more authentic, sovereign, more in alignment to our soul.

With the south node involvement this is bring back the past, maybe something from the past you’ve held on to for too long. It could be a relationship or your emotional connection to a relationship.

Revelations and mindset changes, taking new actions from the lessons learned, realizing what the hiccup is and doing something to change it.

This super full moon is in the first house, the house of self.

Stepping out of the Pisces waters of one, we are now discovering who we are…..the Self.

Seeing who you are on a deeper level, coming back to you and looking into your future.

Letting go of past relationships, a time that is gone. No matter how many times you may step into the same stream, you will never step into the same water twice. You experience a certain energy once and then it is gone, and just like that you are treading new waters. The past, no matter how deep the roots may run, it’s just that… The past. But with that ending a new beginning awaits. In this new beginning, we are once again reminded of our dreams, our aspirations that we see ourselves boldly walking toward. That part of us, or that version of us I should say is gone, and this new person is being reborn. With our moon in a fire, sign and Venus and a fire sign, we are yet again reminded of our inner flame, that which fuels us to go forward in our life. It is reminding us that we must release that which is past in order to go forward into the future into the newness. we will have to say goodbye to an old way. Those fires have completely incinerated the old versions of ourselves, cleansing us from exteriors that we have outgrown. Like a Phenix rising from its own ashes, we too are new, fresh and clean, and now we are stepping out onto this new journey. This new experience may have us totally vulnerable, but yet we are in afraid. We are learning to master ourselves, and we are moving through, and that is a good thing.

To me this eclipse season is about letting go of those things that keep us held back in a maleficent way. It is time to cut ourselves off from self punishment that we may do, leaving behind those bad habits, thoughts and different ways that are just not good for our well-being. Aries reminds us to be the emperor of your life, to be the master of you. Aries, remind you that it’s not in other things that you will find your power. It is within you. It is the enter flame that keeps us fueled and going. The sun shining onto the moon p, deep into our emotions. It is telling us to bring those dreams back into your awareness again. Even this ‘one thing’ is over it, doesn’t mean there’s nothing better on the horizon. The power is within us, we have the ability to use what we have to better ourselves, or stay where we are and spiral into nothingness. We have an opportunity here, it is taketake advantage of what we have, and use it to better ourselves. This will help bring harmony to the one relationship which determines all of your relationships- the one with Self.


Sirona Rose

Watch the video:

Are You Indigenous?

The word ‘Indigenous People’ is very confusing in today’s world, as there seems to be a misunderstanding of what this truly means. The word indigenous describes a group of people that are native to a specific region. It refers to people who lived in that region before the colonist or settlers arrived, to begin to occupy the land. Now, of course, if you pick up our history books, you would see that they describe Native Americans as being Indigenous People, and of course they are, but guess what there are others.

So what determines people to be indigenous? Well, according to the UN, some of the qualifications is that they first must identify as an Indigenous person at an individual level, and you need to be excepted by the community as their member, also, it is distinct, social, economic, or political systems, or distinct language, culture, and beliefs, and it is one to maintain and reproduce through ancestral, environments and systems as distinctive peoples and communities. This definition describes a lot of people. And we have to remember that there were people living in Ireland and Scotland long before the Romans and the Greeks and then the church invaded. Have you ever heard of the Picts? Yes, they were a people who lived in Scotland they were the original people of Scotland. In our myths we hear about the Tuatha de Danann coming down to Ireland from the North only to find people living there, do you not think this is some thing worth remembering?


With our advanced technology it is allowing many to reconnect to their culture and to fill that hole within. Our ancestors are extremely important as they are in our blood and DNA. With the loss of so much history that was done by the Church, it seems that we are scrapping the bottom for clues.

Luckily we have technology and those who are willing to speak g for more information to help us learn of our ancestral heritage.

By Alexander Khimushin

This is not about race, this is about mending the holes, finding depth, and establishing our roots again.

Alexander Khimushin/The World in Faces

The women’s mystery tents were so important and young girls received the help they needed from the Crones – the Elder women. The men had their own mysteries that Elder men helped them with.

We have to stop allowing mundane division tactics invade our spirituality and grasp the realness of this earth, heal ourselves, and bond back to our Mother.

Venus of Wellendorph

We must heal this wound. Yes, there will be anger but use that energy to help you heal and progress instead of getting lost in emotions. If we want to grow and evolve we can not get caught up in the illusions.

Many blessings,

Sirona Rose


Social media has really done one thing great, it has allowed information that was once hidden to come into the light. This is good and bad, but that’s good our world. 

A word that gets thrown around a lot is awakening. Since most of this information has been hidden, many do not quite gasp it’s teachings. And that really has to do with not understanding the deeper meanings. 

First let’s look at the word awakening; awakening is a noun, and it means 1. an act of waking from sleep: 2. an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something. Now that we know the meaning of the word, it brings us more understanding. Now let’s apply this. 

The first thing we need to realize is that our physical eyes only show us half of what is going on. We have been conditioned in our society to only see the surface of things. Look at western medicine, medicines are used to treat, not really to heal. But when we treat the ailment we can then dig deeper to find out why this ailment is being caused – we awaken to the cause. 

The more we walk the wheel, the more layers we learn it has. Remember, it may look like a circle but it’s actually a spiral.  Now, in the world of the Craft we see with our physical eyes, yes, but we are also depending on our spiritual eye. Awakening is no different. Awakening happens at levels, and each of those levels have a certain energetic frequency. Meaning each sphere of awakening has its own frequency. 

Awakening isn’t just a one time thing, there are layers to awakening when it comes to the Craft. We can’t look at this path through the eyes of the mundane, through our regular 3D glasses, we must view things with our spiritual eye. I was told before, when I was trying to see what my mentors was trying to show me, that I could not see find what I was looking for, my mentor replied “You can’t find it because you are using your physical eyes to see”. That simple sentence completely changed my understanding. 

In the spiritual world things are different than the physical, and it very important to understand that. 

Brightest Blessings,

Sirona Rose

Our Mother, Earth

Mother Earth

From our immediate past we have seen the divine feminine subjugated. We were separated from our mother and her Wise council. Nowadays our food is fake, our water is poisoned, people are sicker more than ever, there are rampant viruses and obesity that are plaguing us.

To understand how we get to the place where we are, we have to look at the past; what choices were made in the past to bring us to where we are today.


Yes, power was the main focus- not on the well being of all, this was only for a few elites. They became the go between for us and the divine; and by killing the Goddess, making God a widower, they attempted to severe our connection to our Mother.

Our food, water, and healing were changed from living off the land to being dependent upon another person (body of power) to know better than you. Taking away the sovereignty that is our birthright.

The fear of those who greedily go after power is others becoming empowered.

The ones that offered healing, safely bringing babies in world, teaching others to how to heal themselves, stayed away from the mainstream chaos were the ones that were sacrificed by fire, hanging, or drowning to the God of the shadows.

Blockages, throat chakra, witch wound -heretic (free thinker).

Most people that were hunted down and killed by the Inquisitors were those who were more connected to the earth. Today people are actually afraid of going out into the woods, deep in nature from inner fears of being attacked. We were taught to fear nature, to fear being alone in nature.

Even after the terror that the inquisition delivered to the innocent people, it began once again in Salem, MA and once again it was about power. Two families of wealth who conjured up fear in people in order for their family’s gain.

This cycle seems to be repeated over and over and we still haven’t learned.

Being self empowered, and a free thinker, makes one an enemy to those who want to keep control of the masses. They want obedient slaves working for them. Small, family businesses which are the bread and butter of America are the enemies as well. Those who stand tall upon the truth and not just believe anything that is said to them are considered radical. Those who hold sanctity and reference for others and places are seen as extremist. Those who honor diversity seen as racist. Yes, our world is upside down and now the pieces shall fall – but how will they land?

In society now our throat chakra is still being blocked.

Water, we are damming rivers, blocking the water/emotions that flow within us. Men are not taught how to express their emotions in healthy ways, boys don’t cry is such harmful words.

The very blessings that are freely offered to us by our Mother are seen as wrong. All our medicine comes from herbs, roots, bark ….is rooted in nature yet natural healing is looked down on through the eyes of mainstream medicine.

Women, just as our Mother, were seen as evil – temptresses to lure men into their detriment. Now to even ask what a woman is is considered sexist.

Speaking at of desire….

The Earth connects us to our sexuality as well. The caduceus is a great example of distortion. The serpent has been reverence by our ancient peoples as meaning wisdom. It is the life force energy that rises for our root to crown chakra, adding vitality and longevity to our lives. The whole world is sexual, everything is connected to sexuality; being shunned for the intimate desires and being brainwashed that it was wrong denied our animal, lower self. Causing deep seated wounds, disconnecting us from our true essence.

The widespread devastation that we are seeing is the deep unconscious collective grieving over the separation from our Mother. If families are truly important, then why severe the connection to the Mother, the Divine Feminine? That was the dramatic mark in time of the full, destructive energy of patriarchy. This deep wound is really showing in our world. The shadow side of the collective being shown.

You can really see the fear of the Divine Feminine rising as we see more and more attacks on womanhood as well as our children.

Even today many psychics, intuitive people , mediums, and other spiritual healers were medicated as children and even hospitalized and considered mentally impaired just because they have dreams and visions/feelings of something that came to pass.

Healing is needed, on many different levels. Let’s us rise above the dramatic games of the elite and bring the healing that is so badly needed.

Many blessings,

Sirona Rose


I think to fully understand the harm that indoctrination does to a person one has to actually go through it. It seems that we hear about false news the more many of us dig now deep to discover the truths that have been buried so deep it actually seems like untruth.

Since the day that we come into this world we are programmed to believe and act certain ways. Whether it be from our family or the environment and society we are raised in or religions or schools, there seems to be some type of way we are programmed to believe. When we look back though, we can’t go look to 50 – 100 years ago; to find truth, we have to go back to before the mainstream beliefs and narratives that are pushed to the very past. You see things like this just don’t happen over night – it is slowly pushed into our society as the norm.

One of the things I have seen is regarding sovereignty. I was taught in my Southern Baptist home that I had no sovereignty because God had control over me. That never felt right because I felt that I belonged to the Earth and all the relations that live within her. I always had questions that were never answered. I was informed to not read books that speak against Christianity and to not “question” the ways, to just submissively obey. As soon as I left that town, I was able to open my mind and absorb the tons of information that had been hidden from us. What I do not understand that if one has information, or knows of information that would tell them the truth and show them the unfolding of how something came about, why would they not want to find their truth? My intuition will not let me ignore things that feel off, so I will dig deep and find the truth.

Why would one keep walking blindly on a path that is built upon lies – especially when the truth is there to show them these lies as well as their own literature that is inconstant? Cognitive Dissonance. Very Well Mind states: The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the feelings of discomfort that result when your beliefs run counter to your behaviors and/or new information that is presented to you. And I have seen this first hand. When we start to show or tell someone the truth they just don’t want to hear it, they will talk over you and cut you off saying over and over that they do not want to hear it. This is the result of indoctrination. This is so dangerous as it keeps us from Knowing thy Self. Often times these beliefs that are pushed upon us is done so by fear – If you dont do _______ then (something very bad) will happen to you. So you are being pushed into something by fear, having to fall in line or else be punished.

Unfortunately I have come to learn that those who do suffer from cognitive dissonance are those who security and foundation are threaten. While this may trigger them to bad times in their childhood, they are having all they know to be true questioned and they are missing roots in their “belief” to think about any alternatives regarding their belief. For some, finding out the truth could possible push them off the deep edge, but for others it opens them up to truth and gets them out of that illusion.

We are in a time where people want to rewrite history because it is not exactly what they want to see or to hide what things truly happened, which is very dangerous. We are seeing a lot of fear pumped into our world right now that does nothing but keep people stressed which means their immune systems begin to weaken. You see FEAR is used for control, nothing else. When one, or an organization, pushes you to fear this is for control. And this is one thing that a majority of the 1% wants to do. Slavery still happens in our world in a multitude of ways, and fear is one of the biggest means to do just this. We tend to think war is about guns and battles because they is what we have seen in the past….but in an age of technology those are not needed. When we have the internet you can spread what ever you narrative to the people, pit brothers and sisters against each other, and turn love to hate just by persuasive language. So when you keep the “people” so caught up in the illusions they don’t catch the actual crime that is being committed. You see, if we were not so disconnected from our own souls this kind of crap couldn’t happen so easily.

We are supposed to be going into a Golden Age, but getting there is going to be trying as well as it will not happen over night. There are some that abuse their bodies with alcohol and drugs to escape this captive feeling that they do not realize they have. Sure there are a lot of people living unfulfilled lives and drinking alcohol and doing other mind alternating drugs does give you a bit of escape and can numb you to not stand up for yourself or others. You fall into the ‘whatever’ phase and begin to have your freedoms taken away one by one. Let’s get back into our mind and body and learn to be present.

For over 2000 years we have been slowly separated from the true essence of who we are and sadly we are seeing it being played out in our world. People were burned, drowned, tortured, and killed by those in ruling positions in many different cruel ways that seem unimaginable and what seems even more unimaginable is that people actually hurt people who helped other people because of indoctrination. Is this something that can happen again? Yes, it is. It is still happening today as people bow down to the illusions that the ones in power use to keep people in line – controlled.

Our world is showing us the dangers of indoctrination. We are going through a cleansing and rebirth and we are seeing the shadow side of society being played out daily showing us just how disconnected many are. From senseless killings, to hate, to theft, and other crimes that actually hurt a whole community for a moment of satisfaction. This disconnection is more than just disconnected from the Earth, but it is a disconnection from others as well as yourself.

It’s time to stop letting the illusion win and to spiritually evolve and become the wonders that we truly are. There are many ways to climb up a mountain, your path is just one of many and its not the be all end all. We have to decide, it’s time. To have change, one must be willing to change. To have a healed world, one must be willing to heal as well.


Sirona Rose

The Height of Rule

The Height of Rule 

We just had Midsummer, Litha and as much as I want to celebrate life I am mourning a death. 

At this time the Sun God is King, he is at his Zenith, embodying his fullest expression. Mother Earth is blooming and expanding, abundant with life. While the God, although very powerful, will begin his descent. Here we are reminded of the ‘life in death’ concept. While our Great Mother is eternal, our Divine Father is not. He is here to teach us to honor time and to ensure us that all the dies shall be reborn. 

The sun is the ultimate source of fire and light. Like all sources of light, the sun shines broadly and spreads around the world. Even as it gives its light and power to each of us, it is never diminished by the sharing of that energy. The sun passes over us each day and the never ending circle of light.

Sun gods often get misunderstood for their exact meaning. The sun gods represent the high energy particles of consciousness. So they Represent the higher consciousness, a more unified light consciousness energy. When a sun God is being honored it is a time of solar maximums. This means there is an increased output of these higher energy consciousness E consciousness particles which in turn creates challenges for humanity, things that we must overcome in order to evolve  physically as well as spiritually and emotionally.

 The sun God is about action and he advises us that nothing conscious happens without intention.  Without consciously acting and setting our intentions we are leaving ourselves in a very vulnerable position to others intentions. Intent is so important as it acts as a funnel to direct the energy where we want it to go. 

Its not really a surprise that my High Priestess decided to pass at this time – as this is the ultimate time to be reminded of reincarnation. 

There’s also an alignment of planets happening, we’re in Cancer season, and Mars and Chiron have met up in Aries. Deeply healing the I AM. 

Our meeting was magical and magic set the precedence for the remainder of our journey. 

She understood this Aries girls heart as only a fellow Arian could. And it was magic that was preparing me for what was to come.

Chiron represents our descent into the material world and our resurrection back to the oneness. Our evolution. 

I hear the whippoorwill who reminds me of the ebb and flow of life. Fly high my friend, my spiritual Mother, my sister, my confidante, my High Priestess you will forever be in my heart. 


Priestess Sirona Rose

Honoring the Temple

Honoring the Temple

In Paganism, the word temple is not unheard of. We normally have some sort of temple in our home, whether it be a circle outside or a special room or maybe even a small corner of a room; we all have that special place where we go to do our workings. In all the teachings we hear that the body is the temple, the body hosts our soul and we are a channel for divine energy to flow through. Sounds pretty important, huh?

In our world I have seen people going to the stores wearing their pjs, I have even seen some people wearing a robe. Just like my grandma always told me “Just because we are poor, doesn’t mean we have to look like it”. She always encouraged me to look my best and to always prepare myself for the day. Honestly, some days it’s hard, especially when I just want to pull the covers over my head and sleep the day away. Oh, have I been through months of that! Depression is a real thing and it affects many of us no matter if we’ve had life on a silver platter or we’ve had to work hard for every single thing we have – life can be a struggle.

We’ve just come out of a pandemic where we were forced to stay in our homes, many couldn’t even go to a park and breathe fresh air. We were shut off from

family, friends/loved ones, and those of our community. This isolation is not mentally good for us and it is harmful to our mental health. And while that is another story, our mental health should be a priority.

Taking care of yourself is like taking pride in yourself – and that’s not a bad thing. If our body is our temple, then why are we disregarding it and not tending to it? Sure, some are, but many are not.

Are you taking care of yourself? Are you properly preparing for your day? Setting intentions? Eating good foods?

Caring for our temples begins from the inside out. We have to look at what we are consuming, are we eating healthy? What are we drinking? Remember, we have to understand moderation.

So, How did we get here?

Honestly, there are several reasons. Many times it can be religions that push not to be vainful and then we have different commercials and magazines that suggest beauty only looks one way thus causing insecurity in those who do not look like the status quo. Also being beat down by stress and abuse (of any kind) can contribute to this as well. For us to be able to do our work here, we must be confident, sovereign, and secure with ourselves.

Taking care of yourself and bringing in more beauty into your life is really important. I feel that if we can learn to make a ritual out of this it can enhance our inner power.

If you feel good about yourself, you will do better in your craft. In the 13 Goals we are guided:

1) Know yourself

2) Know your Craft

3) Learn

4) Apply Knowledge with Wisdom

5) Achieve Balance

6) Keep your Word in Good Order

7) Keep your thoughts in Good Order

8) Celebrate Life

9) Attune with the Cycles of the Earth

10) Breathe and Eat Correctly

11) Exercise the Body

12) Meditate

13) Honor the Goddess and God

Do you make these Goals a priority in your life? This is self love! When was the last time you celebrated life? Are you taking time everyday for you? I hear all the time “I do not have time for that”, yes I know….you have to make time.

Anyone can make a ritual out of this. I am not saying that we have to get up and load on the makeup – but you can if it makes you feel good. At night, take some time to shower, or a hot bath, take care of your skin. That is one thing I notice as well is that many do not take care of their feet, the mode of transportation of our vessel. Turn on some music that you love, light candles, incense or whatever, but take the time for you.

Let’s talk about vanity. That is one word that really gets misused. I am not completely sure if this comes from the Puritan background we have in America (the flesh is sinful) or what, but taking care of you, doing those things that make you feel good about you is NOT a bad thing.

How you feel about yourself is a part of our mental health. All of these little things are connected. Remember, moderation in all things.

Caring for the temple can be as detailed as you want it, but just make sure you do. Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour, always make time to care for you!

OH, Venus is moving into her home sign of Taurus on the 28th….what perfect timing!

Brightest blessings,

Sirona Rose

The Serpent in Celtic Mythology

The serpent is one of the oldest and most widespread mythical symbols.  They have been used worldwide representing fertility, Mother Earth, and the mysteries of life and rebirth.  In Celtic mythology, the serpent symbolism was center to the Celtic religion.   Many people believe that the the ancient military symbols of Ireland should be the serpent, as it is has so many myths and legends. Although traditions will state that all of the serpent tribes are gone from Ireland, the Druidical serpent of Ireland is in the Tara Brooch and is popular in present. Keating, a historian, stated that as an example of their Gadelian ancestors, the Milesians, from the first time they conquered Ireland, down to the reign of Ollamh Fodhla, made use of no others arms of distinction in their banners than a serpent twisted round a rod.  But still, we know that Ireland never really did “have” snakes. Bishop Donat of Tuscany, an Irishman by birth stated “No poison there infects, nor scaly snake creeps thro’ the grass, nor frog annoys the lake”. It wasn’t just St Patrick that wiped the snakes out of Ireland, there were others.  One example is Irish High King Brian Boru’s son, Murchad, as he is also credited with destroying all the serpents in Ireland in one version of The Battle of Clontarf.  But still it was popularly believed that the snake tribes did in fact inhibit the island. In 1843 a work by Den Le Monde Echante Cosmographie et Histoire Naturelle Fantastiques De Moyan Age”  stated “Erin the green, the emerald of the sea, the country of the Tuatha Dedan, counts for little at that time, nor arrests the attention of the rapid historian. Yet there happened a wonder which ought not to be ignored by the rest of Europe, and Messire Brunetto relates it with a simple faith, which forbids any brevity in the narration. Now, you must know, that the land of magical traditions, this Ireland, is a region fatal to serpents; should some evil spirit carry them thither, all the reptiles of the world would perish on its shores. Even the stones of Ireland become a happy talisman which one can employ against these animal nuisances, and the soil upon which they are thrown will not be able to nourish the serpents.”

Keane, an historian, asks “Is it not a singular circumstance,that in Ireland where no living serpent exists, such numerous legends of serpents should abound, and that figures of serpents should be so profusely used to ornament Irish sculptures? There is scarcely a cross, or a handsome piece of ancient Irish ornamental work, which has not got its serpent or dragon.”

He does make a valid point, as the dragon is popular among the well as the Scots.

Melanesians (first Gaels)  have a saying “to slough one’s skin” which simply means eternal life. Their myth is that of the dual Moon-Goddess of life and death, as she made the first man.  Her bright aspect suggested making him immortal like a snake, able to shed his skin, but her dark aspect insisted that he should die and be buried in the earth. One of the Milesians symbols was the snake wrapped around a rod.  Eternal life and serpents went hand in hand.  The Aegeans worshiped women and serpents.  Men did not participate in religious ceremonies until late in the Bronze Age, the Cretan kings were allowed to become priests of the bull-god.  The priest’s role was subordinate to that of the priestess until he took the title Serpent.  The Akkadian word for priest literally meant ‘snake charmer”.  Their Serpent Goddess was Ninhursag, “She Who Gives Life to the Dead ” and was also called “Mistress of Serpents”.  

The serpent meant healing for the Druids, as one of their sacred symbols of the snake devouring its own head is the cycle of life and death.  In the book “Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions”,  tells of a ‘green God-snake’ known as Gad-el-Glas, but in the Lebor Gabála Érenn (an ancient  ancient manuscript documenting the Invasions of Ireland), Gadel Glas is another name for Nial and Scota’s son. In a poem called The Pursuit of Sliabh Druim, in the book Duanaire Finn (c. 17th century), the great hero Fionn MacCumhall slew many huge serpents ( peista, beast or pest) as big as mountains which lived in lakes. There is a well known sea dragon in Celtic mythology, Master Stoorworm.  Fionn’s nephew, Caoilte, tells of the monster being slain at Lough Cuilinn, Lough Neagh, Lough Rea, Lough Corra, Lough Laoghaire, at Howth, at the Glenn Inny, and the River Bann. To me, this could be another way of Fionn, a Christian, was doing God’s work by destroying the Druids and Pagans.  

Many references compare  the serpent to a dragon as well. Dragons are pictured on many Celtic coats of arms, and flags. 

Fertility, rebirth, and immortality….the Mistress of Serpents is here to stay.

The Ulster Cycle, Irish Serpent Myth:

Fergus mac Leti was a King of Ulster who fell asleep one day on the beach. Three little sprites called lúchorpáin (meaning ‘little bodies’) came up out of the water and tried to steal him away.

The coldness of the sea awoke him, and he lunged at the creatures, catching one in each hand and crushing the third to his chest. They promised to grant him one wish if he let them go, to which he agreed, and asked for the power to be able to swim deep underwater without having to surface for air.

They gave him magical herbs with which to plug his ears, but warned him not to swim under Lough Rudraige (Dundrum Bay). Being a King, Fergus was used to doing as he liked, so of course he disregarded their advice, and encountered a massive, fearsome sea-serpent called Muirdris.

His terror caused a facial disfigurement, which his people kept secret from him, as a king must be whole and perfectly formed. One day, seven years later, a spiteful servant girl revealed the truth after he beat her unfairly. Shocked, Fergus decided to confront Muirdris once again.

They battled for a night and a day, the sea turning red with blood about them, but Fergus emerged onto the shore victorious, bearing the great brute’s head. Fergus’s good looks were restored, but he immediately collapsed and dropped dead from his efforts.

Many Blessings,

Sirona Rose

References:; The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets;

WOO-WOO Wednesday

Its WOO-WOO Wednesday!

Is magic real?

Today on social media platforms we can see all types of people referring to themselves as Witches, Druids, and other magic practitioners and sadly many only care about the outward appearance and not truly about the magic and what the label actually means. Just because one likes tarot cards, Crystal’s, and herbs does not make one a Witch or a magic practitioner. Witches are made from the inside out and this process does not happen overnight it is a process. With that said, one of the questions I get asked alot is Is Magic Real? And of course I say “yes, it is’ ‘, then that is followed by “well if it’s real, then show me”. My reply, well look around you, it’s all around us…then the dialogue goes on with “What? I don’t see anything…my reply, if you can’t see what is already around you then how do you expect me to show you?

First, let’s talk about the psyche. Psyche comes from the Greek word psukhe, and the Latin word psyche; for the Greek it meant breath, soul, or life and in Latin it means human soul, mind or spirit, so basically it is the totality of the human mind, the conscious and unconscious.
For example, many of us were raised Christain so even though you may not practice Christainity pieces of it are still left in your psyche. The thing is, even though you might have been raised Christain, the old ways of your ancestors could have trickled down all the way to your parents. These ways can echo to you, almost as a resonant energy.

Now is magic real? Yes it very much is and this is why I do not suggest beginners to jump right in and begin casting, as a neophyte doesn’t truly understand the workings of magic..or energy. One of the forms of magic we see a lot of is manifestation, such as what came about with the introduction of the book The Secret. And I am sure you all have seen others or even performed some type of new moon manifestation spell. This form of magic is referred to as lower magic as it usually focuses on the material – which is basically a watered down version of magic.
And what we see in the mainstream as enlightenment is more of an Eastern path teaching. Meditation, which is the Eastern psyche, is one of the ways they view enlightenment.
But does it stop there?
Do you think this “enlightenment” is the end of the road?
What we think is enlightenment is not the end as it is just a place or mark on our path.
You see there is more. We’ve talked about manifestation, such as getting what you want or even getting a great parking spot, is a form of low magic, as it is of the material/physical.
Now when we go further we are talking about ceremonial magic. Where low magic is focused more on the material/physical, ceremonial magic focuses on spiritualism.
Today, Quantum Science proves to us every single day that magic is real…looks like science is finally catching up to what our ancestors already knew – but without all the fancy equipment.
Sirona Rose

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