The Height of Rule 

We just had Midsummer, Litha and as much as I want to celebrate life I am mourning a death. 

At this time the Sun God is King, he is at his Zenith, embodying his fullest expression. Mother Earth is blooming and expanding, abundant with life. While the God, although very powerful, will begin his descent. Here we are reminded of the ‘life in death’ concept. While our Great Mother is eternal, our Divine Father is not. He is here to teach us to honor time and to ensure us that all the dies shall be reborn. 

The sun is the ultimate source of fire and light. Like all sources of light, the sun shines broadly and spreads around the world. Even as it gives its light and power to each of us, it is never diminished by the sharing of that energy. The sun passes over us each day and the never ending circle of light.

Sun gods often get misunderstood for their exact meaning. The sun gods represent the high energy particles of consciousness. So they Represent the higher consciousness, a more unified light consciousness energy. When a sun God is being honored it is a time of solar maximums. This means there is an increased output of these higher energy consciousness E consciousness particles which in turn creates challenges for humanity, things that we must overcome in order to evolve  physically as well as spiritually and emotionally.

 The sun God is about action and he advises us that nothing conscious happens without intention.  Without consciously acting and setting our intentions we are leaving ourselves in a very vulnerable position to others intentions. Intent is so important as it acts as a funnel to direct the energy where we want it to go. 

Its not really a surprise that my High Priestess decided to pass at this time – as this is the ultimate time to be reminded of reincarnation. 

There’s also an alignment of planets happening, we’re in Cancer season, and Mars and Chiron have met up in Aries. Deeply healing the I AM. 

Our meeting was magical and magic set the precedence for the remainder of our journey. 

She understood this Aries girls heart as only a fellow Arian could. And it was magic that was preparing me for what was to come.

Chiron represents our descent into the material world and our resurrection back to the oneness. Our evolution. 

I hear the whippoorwill who reminds me of the ebb and flow of life. Fly high my friend, my spiritual Mother, my sister, my confidante, my High Priestess you will forever be in my heart. 


Priestess Sirona Rose