

Keeper of the Flame


April 2021

Blessed Beltaine

Today is Beltaine EVE! This is such a wonderful time in our year as it is when the Great Goddess and the God come together in sacred union. It is a great time of celebration as the flowers are beginning to bloom and life is returning to the land, in the Northern Hemisphere that is. In the Southern Hemisphere they are celebrating the opposite…Samhain. As our light commences, their dark half of the year begins. Either way it is a wonderful time for gratitude and reverence for all of our blesssings.

Many believe the name Beltane was borrowed from the old Celtic festival of Beltaine, which was held to honor the beginning of summer and marked the time when cattle were led out to open pastures to graze. Historically, this festival was widely observed in Ireland and Scotland, and was called “Bealtaine” by the Irish, and “Bealltainn” by the Scottish. Both names were derived from the Celtic word meaning “bright fire.” The Beltaine Festival is said to have been named after the Celtic god Belenus, also known in some countries as Belen, Belenos, Bel, and other names. Some say this deity was deemed a “Sun God,” and was associated with healing, light, and fire.

No Beltaine festival was complete without themes of fire, water, and flowers. Many believed the flames and ashes of large bonfires that were lit had magical properties and could bring about good health and protection. Flowers would be worn by many (even cows would have flower garlands!) and were also used to decorate everything – garlands were hung on doors, feasting tables were adorned, and homes had scattered flowers on every threshold. Yellow flowers were mainly used as this color is most associated with fire and sunshine, but any color would do.

Maypoles became a focal point of all Beltaine festivals and would be decorated with flowers or greenery as a symbol of fertile energy, growth, and spring blooming. There was even a time when communities would compete for the biggest and best Maypole in the region. Over time, ribbons were added to Maypoles and festival-goers would dance around them using the ribbon to weave around other dancers creating a braiding effect.

A majority of these customs are still celebrated today, although they vary greatly across countries and among individuals. Beltane, or May Day, celebrations occur around the world and often times music, food, and bonfires are the main events. Many still include a Maypole and lots of dancing. Some Beltane rituals occur in the form of potlucks or picnics, while others celebrate by taking nature walks and having outdoor adventures. Due to the historical focus on fertility, some celebrations today incorporate romantic games or sexual exploration, and spellwork done during this time has a major focus on themes of love and passion.

We celebrate Beltane to welcome the warmer weather spring and summer brings us. The sun makes us feel more energetic, our spirits are lifted, and we aim to have more excitement and fun. You can celebrate Beltane in many ways to welcome in the start of the warmer weather, feel the sun shine, and appreciate nature.

Beltaine Blessings

Sirona Rose

Blessed Walpurgis Night

Walpurgis Night, Night of the Witches

The history of this festival is quite interesting to me. This German festival is celebrated from April 30 – May 1st. The customs that are observed throughout Northern and Central Europe, such as Netherland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Estonia, Denmark and Norway, vary but they all have traditional bonfires that are said to ward off the witches- or so they say. 

The Walpurgis Night festival is said to be named after Saint Walpurga who was an English Christian missionary. She studied medicine and then went to Germany and became a Christian missionary and through her evangelism converted heathens to Christianity and founded a double monastery in Heidenheim. This monastery then became an education center and through the popularity it became a center of culture. She is normally painted holding bandages. Saint Walpurga was a well renowned healer to the Christians as she was able to combat the pests, rabies, the whooping cough, as well as witchcraft; it seems that if the Chriatains prayed to God to allow this Saint to help them, she would protect them from witchcraft. They believed that she herself had the power to repel witchcraft. Saint Walpurga died in 777 and it is said that til this day her tomb produces a holy oil known as Saint Walpurga’s oil, which is said to heal illnesses, and the nuns give this oil out to those who visit her tomb. 

But let’s not stop there, because we know that many, if not all,  festivals that are celebrated nowadays were at one time Pagan holy days and this one is no different. You see Walpurgis Night, Walpurgisnacht, Vappu really has nothing to do with a Saint, it is more of a springtime fertility festival. German folklore stated that witches from all over would gather on the top of the Brocken (Blocksberg) which is the highest peak in the Harz mountains to celebrate this great sabbath on this night. First recorded by Johanne Praetorius in 17th century records known as The Blocksberg Performance,  which is a writing about the geography as well as the history of the mountain and region. It wasn’t till the 19th and 20th century that this became popular literature which inspired the play by Goethe, Faust.  

Now for the bonfires. Well at that time farmers would allow their animals to graze and the fires are said to keep wild animals from attacking their livestocks, as well as celebrating the return of the sun which brought fertility back to the land. This was much to celebrate to these ancient people that greatly depended upon their land and livestock to survive. Of course when Christainity arrived this celebration was not banned, no,  as part of the conversion they kept this festival as it was a big celebration but associated it with a Christain saint. So you see Walpurgisnacht, Walpurgis Night, Night of the Witches has nothing to do with a Saint or Christainity for that matter. Yes, Walpurga (or Saint Walpurga) did exist but she wasnt associated with Scandinavia, but she did serve as abbess in Germany (where Walpurgisnacht originated) for half of her life. Did she do healings and such? Probably so, but we do know that April 30, Walpurgis Night is not named after her. 

Today Walpurgis Night, Vappu (Finland and Sweden)  is celebrated by dressing up in costumes, playing pranks, lighting bonfires, dancing, singing local folk songs, and creating loud noises to keep evil at bay. People also hang blessed foliage in their homes to ward off evil spirits and leave offerings of ankenschnitt, pieces of bread with butter and honey on it, out for phantom hounds.      

Blessed Beltane, Walpurgis Night, Walpurisnacht, Vappu, Night of the Witches to you all! Let us all celebrate the return of the spring, celebrate the Goddess and God joining together to bring fertility back to our lands. 

Blessed Walpurgis Night/ Beltane Eve,

Sirona Rose

Astro Heads Up

Heads up!
Today, April 27, 2021, the dwarf planet Pluto will station and proceed in Retrograde motion in Capricorn until October 6, 2021 at 2:30pm ET. The last time Pluto was in this area was 240 years ago, 1776. Pluto, being a higher octave of Mars, is very destructive. This energy is much like Shiva, or Sekmet – transformation will be key here, death and rebirth, think of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
In many religions the earth and heaven is seen as the dragon and eagle in battle, only to destroy each other and arise from the ashes as a Phoenix. I feel this is a good omen because we know that change has to happen. As above, so below. We are all of the human race and we have to stop the division that is being pushed upon us.
Capricorn represents governments, and Plutos placement and motion here indicates revolution and we can also expect more hidden secrets coming out regarding ALL governments – the old ways are to be destroyed. For background information, Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008!
Between Saturn and Jupiter pushing and pulling each other we will see more clearly the power games that governments have been playing and the lengths they will go to hide the truth. This is a momentous time we are in.
Neptune, that has been highly active in our heavens, brings us scandals, illusions, and secrets. We have to disassociate ourself with the illusions that are being pushed upon us; the media, propaganda, and the social pressure/peer pressure that ads on social media promote.
May will bring us unexpected changes and boy it is time to evolve and get out of the old world programming and out of conformity and evolve into our authenticity and sovereignty. We are responsible for ourselves. We have to stop bowing to the false gods.
We can have peace, but everyone has to leave behind the illusion of power grabbing. Don’t take that wrong, this doesn’t mean to stop bettering oneself, it means to stop acting as if some are better than others.
Pluto pushes us to transform- by any means.
No more playing around, its time to put your boots and get to work.
Its time to wake up!

Understanding Resurrection

Understanding Resurrection ~ The Mysteries

To understand the past meanings, you have to look at the past. You have to understand symbolism for sure and you have a to have understanding of the ways that were practiced. We all know that many things have been destroyed and misconstrued to support different agendas and directives. Its past time to free ourselves.

“When you joined a secret mysticism school, you joined as a son of a woman.
When you graduated from that, you went up another level of understanding. You graduated as the son of a man. If you got to the next stage, you became the son of the Gods. And then -the most interesting part- when you actually went into the final initiation process – and “initiation” means “to become conscious,” you undertook an out-of- body experience. It was an induced near-death experience where you took a narcotic, like a poison, which lowers your heartbeat down to a point where you are virtually comatose.
Back in those days, those sects held that the women held the highest level of initiation. They actually were responsible for the initiate while he or she undertook this out-of-body experience. They were called the “bees” or the “watchtower,” the “flock.” Which is actually Mary Magdalene’s name, “Migdal-Eder” the “watchtower of the flock,”
Your soul leaves the body anywhere between three to seven days. And you come back into your body a little bit groggy. And you’re taken out by the Priestesses onto a mound. And first thing you see is the rising of Venus, the morning star, at the spting equinox.
This is one, of many, things that the church tried to cover up in order to push the Patriarchy. “

~Freddy Silva

Dragon Slaying Myths

To understand the past, we have to dig deep to find what, or I should say how they communicated. In myths and lores we find much of the writings written in metaphors. Such as when one spoke of the time/age of the water bearer we must understand that astronomy and astrology was heavily used by our ancestors. Knowing this we can conclude that the age of the water bearer is the age of Aquarius. Snakes did not mean that they mean today. Snake meant knowledge, more of a universal time knowledge that was spiritual in nature. While eating something from the snake can be translated into learning that wisdom. 

The meanings of words change because of various reasons, one being having a set directive or agenda. So by understanding that we can go and reread the myths, lores, and legends and begin to see the story in a new light – illumination. One of the figures that was quite dominant in our past is the dragon. The sad thing is many do not understand what this “dragon energy” is as, again, directives had to be set. Many times we are convinced or persuaded to believe a certain way very slowly as this is the easiest way. The sad thing is, there has been so much misinformation placed out in our world, one has to dip deep to find the truth – and let’s face it not many are willing to do so thus the path changes. 

To truly understand what the dragon meant, we have to look at how our ancient ancestors viewed the dragon. Dragons are seen in just about all cultures in our ancient world, while the Chinese still acknowledge that presence of dragon energy. Dragons are seen as magical creatures of great power and they were said to assist the magic/energy workers during that time. So, why would one sly a dragon? Let’s go a little deeper. In Celtic lore it is believed that the dragons flew where the magic/energy was most prominent – the ley of the land. Wherever dragons were, the magic was most powerful.

Dragons were seen to be the protectors of the land and all living things that resided on her, therefore they were highly revered given that it was the land, our Mother, who cared for us giving us our necessities. To the Celts, the dragon was considered the most powerful Cetic symbols. There are two types of dragons, one has four legs and wings and the other is sea faring resembling a serpent with no legs nor wings. Dragons were known as gatekeepers and guards to great treasures, i.e. secret knowledge. Just giving us that brief glance we can see why King Arthur’s symbol was a dragon…but not just any dragon, a red dragon. A side note here, the great red serpent is said to be a symbol for the Welsh God Dewi. 

Many times we see the dragon serpent drawn with it’s tail in its mouth which is reminding us of the cycle of life and nature – life, death, and rebirth, the immortality of the soul. One other important thing I feel is important is to see the emphasis of the dragon relating to magic/energy of the ley of the land as well as a protector of the land (Goddess) and all living beings.  

Remember, the Celts were Pagan, as were the other tribes and it wasn’t until the arrival of Christainity that the dragon began to be seen in a different light. What was once considered to be powerful and protective was now terrible and caused great strife. Then defeating the dragon was seen as a heroic thing….but what really were these knights slaying?

April 23rd, is St George’s day and he is celebrated as the patron saint of cities and countries. He is the prototypical knight in shining armour, a religious martyr who is known for slaying a dragon that was terrifying a small town. There are several myths but one states that if the town gave up their Pagan ways and converted to Christainity he would slay the dragon and save the town. So let’s look deeper, who was St George? It is believed George lived in Cappadocia, modern day Turkey, and was a soldier in the Roman army and served under Emperor Diocletian. Although George’s exact birth date is not known, somewhere between 256-285, it is known that he was born to Christain parents. During this time, the new religion of Christainity was washing over the lands and this did not appeal to Emperor Diocletian as the very strict guidelines took power from the Emperors thus placing too much power with the Catholic Priests. Emperor Diocletian was beginning the expulsion of Christains and he did try to convert George and pull him away from Christainity, as George was one of Diocletian’s favorite soldiers. St George was decapitated on April 23, 303 A.D thus being hailed as a martyr for Christains. He is patron saint of Ethiopia, Portugal, and Georgia. You see, George was 900 years too early for the dragon tales and his stand did influence more of a conversion of others across Europe. Which is one of the reasons King Edward III made St George the patron saint of England when he created the Order of the Garter in 1350. 

The story of St George slaying a dragon is a total myth, we have to look at the metaphors. George stood up to a Pagan emperor there for became a martyr for Christainity, as the dragon symbolised the land – the source of Pagan power and sovereignty. 

Now we know of the ley lines that lie within our earth, and to many these are called dragon lines as many feel these are the channels for energy flow within the earth. We have instruments now that prove this energy flow and many people who are sensitives can feel the energy flow. 

Working with the energy of the land is one of the key components in practicing magic. 

To the Celtics (and other Pagans) the dragon stood for power, magic/energy of the land, and sovereignty.  It was the protector of the Great Goddess and her children. For me, when I read a story of a dragon being slayed I cry – I cry because I understand the metaphor of what sad thing happened. 

There has been a lot of covering up, rewriting, destruction, and denial in our world and it is showing us every single day that it is time for the veil to be lifted. 

I know there will be some who might take offence regarding this post, but I assure you my intention is not to shed negative light on any one religion or spirituality – I am here to help pull the veil back from our eyes so that we can re-learn our history and to regain our sovereignty.

Many Blessings,

Sirona Rose

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