

Keeper of the Flame


June 2021

Discernment, The Creel

Discernment, The Creel

I used to think everything should be out in the open for everyone to see. I felt that knowledge shouldn’t be hidden from anyone and that the secret societies and these hidden facts should be out for everyone to learn and know so that they, too, could better themselves and ultimately the world. I felt that if everyone knew this hidden knowledge the world would be a better place and hopefully the Earth would become a beautiful utopia of milk and honey where there was no lack and we could all coexist in peace. I know that may sound like a wonderful fantasy, but I thought that if they only knew and understood it could actually happen. If people understood the spiritual harm in the things they do maybe it would make a difference. After years of studying hidden truths, and seeing just what has happened when these truths have been spread upon the land I have since changed my mind.

Hidden knowledge, or the Occult as it is formally known, is really not for everyone. To understand many of the things and symbols it does take a lot of commitment in learning. And as we can see that many can’t even commit to themselves, let alone others, it becomes devalued and used against those that do understand or worse, are scared of it. There is a saying from the bible that I was always told “ do not cast pearls before swine”. I never really paid much attention to that statement as I didn’t take the time to figure out what it actually meant. Now I know. Now, since my studies, I do understand that not all information is for everyone. Many do not have the level of understanding to really appreciate the messages. There are some that just want the knowledge in order to do harm. So yes, do not cast your pearls before swine, not everything is meant for public consumption. Now, I do know that much knowledge has been hidden from the public view in fear of the real truth coming out, and I feel that this is not quite the same as I am speaking of. I do feel that those that are knowledgeable enough to appreciate the hidden should be able to see it, but for those that are not mentally prepared it is probably not advisable. Those that hide things to keep themselves in power or in control is a totally different circumstance and that information should come to light. People hiding information to stay in power or in control of others is exactly the reason valuable information is not for everyone. 

I agree that some are not mentally or spiritually ready to accept some truths, some would just use it to harm others, but some would use that information to better the whole world and every living thing that lives upon it – and this is why discernment is crucial. 

The Creel

The world began with a woman,

Shawl-happed; stooped under a creel,

Whose slow step you recognize from troubled dreams.

You feel obliged to help her bear her burden

From the hill or kelp-strewn shore,

But she passes by unseeing thirled to her private chore.

It’s not seabirds or peat she’s carrying, 

Not fleece, nor the herring bright

But her fear that if ever she put it down

The world would go out like a light.

~Kathleen Jamie

Look at our world today. People wanted change. For the US, people wanted out of the status quo and into something different. In 2016 they got it, but you see that took people out of their comfort zones and presented challenges to them showing us that some people may say they’re ready but are not committed enough to push it through. For other parts of the world, change was happening as well but I do not live in those parts so I will stick to what I have been experiencing. America’s soil is soaked in blood, from the moment the settlers landed in the New World it was a struggle. It was up to them to carry the load of making sure they had shelter, food, and clothes; as well as protection from others. Then they had to worry about the Native People that lived in this new land. This New World was created off of blood, sweat, and tears; and where we are now in society there is only a handful that would’ve made it back in those days. We are spoiled beyond comparison, the evidence is of the suffering that others endure in the many different  countries that we hear about. I remember in math class the teachers would say to write the math out that we wouldn’t be carrying a calculator in our pocket – but now we do. We not only carry a calculator, we carry a mini computer in our pockets where at any given moment we can google anything and find out everything. Such wonderful technology and how do we use it? Well by arguing, dividing, bullying, stealing, scamming, propaganda, and other treacherous behaviors. So we have all this technology and yet there are those that use it to harm causing those who want control and power over others to swarm in and act like the savior. So do you understand better about casting pearls before swine? Just imagine what we could accomplish globally if we could all get past the childish, foolish behaviors. Look at our media, we can’t really believe anything that they report. 

Abuse of power has been shown to us globally. So, discernment, do you see why it’s necessary? Some will say that we deserve the opportunity to know the hidden, but do we really? 

I have also heard from others that those who have that valuable knowledge are obligated to let others know, and the best “Who made you the one of discernment?” Well, many times when you receive this hidden knowledge there are oaths that you take and there is also a responsibility that you take on in order to protect the knowledge. Honestly, if someone says something like that to me I automatically think “there’s the reason everything is not out in the open”. I do not think I am better than anyone, it’s not about being better than it’s about being responsible and protecting. 

Don’t believe me? Well, look at how we use the internet. We have the world at our fingertips and how is it being used?

How do we evolve?



Responsibility of the Spiritual Worker

Something interesting happened right after I wrote this blog. You see, I thought I had already posted this (obviously I didn’t) and Saturday two women came into the shop and were talking to me along this line. You see they came to see us to get protection from psychic attacks as well as being read by strangers. When someone is sensitive they can feel someone prying into their energy. While a few know what it feels like, there are others that have no idea they are being “tapped” into. They said it felt like being violated when it happened to them – as well as feeling attacked.

Please remember that with great gifts come great responsibilities.

Responsibility of the Spiritual Worker

In the Spiritual world, things can seem to be up in the air. There are many different limbs to this mystical tree. So to start out saying this wrong and that is right can seem a bit ridiculous – but is it? 

I was speaking about the different readers a friend and I  have known in our lives. She has been a mystic for many years and has helped me throughout the years, and is someone whom I greatly trust and respect. One thing that I wish I could say all, but sadly only most readers understand is the intimacy that happens while someone is being read. So, readers and being read, what am I talking about? I am talking about someone reading your cards, Runes, Oghams, or pendulum; getting an intuitive divination work as well as your energy. These Spiritual Workers can many times read people without using tools as well. And this is where things can get sticky. 

So, I’m going to get sticky!

As much as we want to help others, we do not have the right to look into someone without their ‘OK’. To me, and many others, it is a violation of the person. Looking into someone’s private thoughts, or things that they are not openly talking about, or digging deeper into them seeing their traumas without being asked is not something that should be done. It’s about personal privacy, and one should know this. Also, we have to look at timing and our environment. If you are out in a social setting, this is not the time to blurt out to someone about some personal issue, trauma, etc that they have experienced in their life. Now if you are getting a pressing message for them, pull them aside discreetly and privately.

Having this gift comes with responsibilities. Yes, this is a gift and an important gift at that. We have a moral responsibility to be respectful and not only for this path but for our clients and those whose energy is speaking to us. We can get energy readings on everyone, as we all project a certain energy and I am not talking about this. I am talking about a reader that will just walk up to a stranger and speak to them in front of everyone about some sensitive matters that, very obviously, is not wanted to be discussed by the stranger. As a reader, a healer, spiritual worker, etc; you are shown glimpses of behind the scenes, those times and places that some wish to be hidden away. Plus, if the person is not in the place of receiving this information you could’ve done more harm than good. We are supposed to be helpers and guides, not come across as an obnoxious know-it-all. For many people, no matter how good the reader is, mostly the person feels a bit defensive as they feel that violation of someone entering into their holy of holies without an invitation. We should not force our gift on anyone, nor should we give unsolicited advice or energy readings. 

And that is the key, the invitation. You must be invited in by someone, period. I have actually heard someone say well if I think they need to hear it I will tell them no matter what. Is this really the thought of a healer to not take into account the person’s well-being? Respect is very important in this path, not only for deity but for other people. Responsibility to doing what is ethically, morally, and spiritually right – not just for the self but also thinking of the other person. How can a reader/healer call themselves that when they do not take into the energetic level of other people?

I do not think I know it all, as none of us do, but I do understand common courtesy and respect and I do know how heavy the weight is of a healer/reader/Priestess. I do understand that people come to me when they are in very vulnerable places in their life and they are trusting in me to help them walk down this certain path. I understand that I have a responsibility, not only to the Goddess (Spirit/the divine) but as well as my client. And if we truly want to help someone, try just being an ear for them, just acknowledge them and go on. You can always send blessings, pray, or light a candle for them. If we want people to treat us seriously, then we must behave in a way that promotes that. Personally, I have had people approach me, not pulling me aside, just talking out, blurting out things that were not asked for and I thought they were crazy…and you know what, they are! 

We also have to understand that just because we can doesnt mean we should. In other words, mind your business and if they need you, they’ll come to you. 

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