

Keeper of the Flame



October Eve, Astrological Update 9/30/23

We begin this month on the tail end of an Aries full moon that is the threshold to a new eclipse season. There’s another energy that we have just experienced and that was the Fall Equinox; also known as Mabon.

Mabon, the fall equinox, is considered a harvest time to our some of our ancestors.

The Welsh God Mabon is known as the Divine Son, the Son of Light. This is the time of year we are reminded of the self sacrifice the God must make; to die and be reborn again. In the Talisan he is known as ‘chief of the glittering west’, meaning the energy of the setting sun. Mabon (pronounced MAH-bon) is a time of reflection, as well as release.

The full moon in Aries can cause some sleepless nights with a bit of anxiousness. As the sun is in Libra, this fire and air can have us mentally wired and down right exhausted. Which brings us to the energy of Fall equinox.

While we are celebrating the fall here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the Spring Equinox – endings and beginnings. Some thing that those of us in the western world do not grass is that with every ending there is a beginning. This is the circle of life, the ouraborus… The snake eating its own tail. When we see these things of antiquity, due to our lack of knowledge, we do not fully understand them. But these symbols that were left behind by our ancestors are here to help us along the way. As they read the stars and delved into the mysteries of our world, they tried to leave behind writings, art, and tales to help us succeed in the future. A people thinking about not only their future, but generations way ahead of them.

Aries, the self; Libra is all about relationships. To me, it’s saying that the relationship with our self reflects our relationship with others. This could also be about releasing guilt that we feel because people may not see us as we are. A times of releasing old perspectives that no longer align with us. Libra is also about intellect, so we could be changing our thoughts about things. We can’t control those things on the outside, we control our Self. Come back to you – embracing your sovereignty.

We have to stop looking outside of ourself and look within. Where are you giving your power away??

Venus has been having an on and off square with Uranus which is taking us back to ourself and relationships as she is having her final square with Uranus. The relationship within: do you honor yourself? Do you compromise too much?

We are being called to be more authentic, sovereign, more in alignment to our soul.

With the south node involvement this is bring back the past, maybe something from the past you’ve held on to for too long. It could be a relationship or your emotional connection to a relationship.

Revelations and mindset changes, taking new actions from the lessons learned, realizing what the hiccup is and doing something to change it.

This super full moon is in the first house, the house of self.

Stepping out of the Pisces waters of one, we are now discovering who we are…..the Self.

Seeing who you are on a deeper level, coming back to you and looking into your future.

Letting go of past relationships, a time that is gone. No matter how many times you may step into the same stream, you will never step into the same water twice. You experience a certain energy once and then it is gone, and just like that you are treading new waters. The past, no matter how deep the roots may run, it’s just that… The past. But with that ending a new beginning awaits. In this new beginning, we are once again reminded of our dreams, our aspirations that we see ourselves boldly walking toward. That part of us, or that version of us I should say is gone, and this new person is being reborn. With our moon in a fire, sign and Venus and a fire sign, we are yet again reminded of our inner flame, that which fuels us to go forward in our life. It is reminding us that we must release that which is past in order to go forward into the future into the newness. we will have to say goodbye to an old way. Those fires have completely incinerated the old versions of ourselves, cleansing us from exteriors that we have outgrown. Like a Phenix rising from its own ashes, we too are new, fresh and clean, and now we are stepping out onto this new journey. This new experience may have us totally vulnerable, but yet we are in afraid. We are learning to master ourselves, and we are moving through, and that is a good thing.

To me this eclipse season is about letting go of those things that keep us held back in a maleficent way. It is time to cut ourselves off from self punishment that we may do, leaving behind those bad habits, thoughts and different ways that are just not good for our well-being. Aries reminds us to be the emperor of your life, to be the master of you. Aries, remind you that it’s not in other things that you will find your power. It is within you. It is the enter flame that keeps us fueled and going. The sun shining onto the moon p, deep into our emotions. It is telling us to bring those dreams back into your awareness again. Even this ‘one thing’ is over it, doesn’t mean there’s nothing better on the horizon. The power is within us, we have the ability to use what we have to better ourselves, or stay where we are and spiral into nothingness. We have an opportunity here, it is taketake advantage of what we have, and use it to better ourselves. This will help bring harmony to the one relationship which determines all of your relationships- the one with Self.


Sirona Rose

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Our Mother, Earth

Mother Earth

From our immediate past we have seen the divine feminine subjugated. We were separated from our mother and her Wise council. Nowadays our food is fake, our water is poisoned, people are sicker more than ever, there are rampant viruses and obesity that are plaguing us.

To understand how we get to the place where we are, we have to look at the past; what choices were made in the past to bring us to where we are today.


Yes, power was the main focus- not on the well being of all, this was only for a few elites. They became the go between for us and the divine; and by killing the Goddess, making God a widower, they attempted to severe our connection to our Mother.

Our food, water, and healing were changed from living off the land to being dependent upon another person (body of power) to know better than you. Taking away the sovereignty that is our birthright.

The fear of those who greedily go after power is others becoming empowered.

The ones that offered healing, safely bringing babies in world, teaching others to how to heal themselves, stayed away from the mainstream chaos were the ones that were sacrificed by fire, hanging, or drowning to the God of the shadows.

Blockages, throat chakra, witch wound -heretic (free thinker).

Most people that were hunted down and killed by the Inquisitors were those who were more connected to the earth. Today people are actually afraid of going out into the woods, deep in nature from inner fears of being attacked. We were taught to fear nature, to fear being alone in nature.

Even after the terror that the inquisition delivered to the innocent people, it began once again in Salem, MA and once again it was about power. Two families of wealth who conjured up fear in people in order for their family’s gain.

This cycle seems to be repeated over and over and we still haven’t learned.

Being self empowered, and a free thinker, makes one an enemy to those who want to keep control of the masses. They want obedient slaves working for them. Small, family businesses which are the bread and butter of America are the enemies as well. Those who stand tall upon the truth and not just believe anything that is said to them are considered radical. Those who hold sanctity and reference for others and places are seen as extremist. Those who honor diversity seen as racist. Yes, our world is upside down and now the pieces shall fall – but how will they land?

In society now our throat chakra is still being blocked.

Water, we are damming rivers, blocking the water/emotions that flow within us. Men are not taught how to express their emotions in healthy ways, boys don’t cry is such harmful words.

The very blessings that are freely offered to us by our Mother are seen as wrong. All our medicine comes from herbs, roots, bark ….is rooted in nature yet natural healing is looked down on through the eyes of mainstream medicine.

Women, just as our Mother, were seen as evil – temptresses to lure men into their detriment. Now to even ask what a woman is is considered sexist.

Speaking at of desire….

The Earth connects us to our sexuality as well. The caduceus is a great example of distortion. The serpent has been reverence by our ancient peoples as meaning wisdom. It is the life force energy that rises for our root to crown chakra, adding vitality and longevity to our lives. The whole world is sexual, everything is connected to sexuality; being shunned for the intimate desires and being brainwashed that it was wrong denied our animal, lower self. Causing deep seated wounds, disconnecting us from our true essence.

The widespread devastation that we are seeing is the deep unconscious collective grieving over the separation from our Mother. If families are truly important, then why severe the connection to the Mother, the Divine Feminine? That was the dramatic mark in time of the full, destructive energy of patriarchy. This deep wound is really showing in our world. The shadow side of the collective being shown.

You can really see the fear of the Divine Feminine rising as we see more and more attacks on womanhood as well as our children.

Even today many psychics, intuitive people , mediums, and other spiritual healers were medicated as children and even hospitalized and considered mentally impaired just because they have dreams and visions/feelings of something that came to pass.

Healing is needed, on many different levels. Let’s us rise above the dramatic games of the elite and bring the healing that is so badly needed.

Many blessings,

Sirona Rose

Honoring the Temple

Honoring the Temple

In Paganism, the word temple is not unheard of. We normally have some sort of temple in our home, whether it be a circle outside or a special room or maybe even a small corner of a room; we all have that special place where we go to do our workings. In all the teachings we hear that the body is the temple, the body hosts our soul and we are a channel for divine energy to flow through. Sounds pretty important, huh?

In our world I have seen people going to the stores wearing their pjs, I have even seen some people wearing a robe. Just like my grandma always told me “Just because we are poor, doesn’t mean we have to look like it”. She always encouraged me to look my best and to always prepare myself for the day. Honestly, some days it’s hard, especially when I just want to pull the covers over my head and sleep the day away. Oh, have I been through months of that! Depression is a real thing and it affects many of us no matter if we’ve had life on a silver platter or we’ve had to work hard for every single thing we have – life can be a struggle.

We’ve just come out of a pandemic where we were forced to stay in our homes, many couldn’t even go to a park and breathe fresh air. We were shut off from

family, friends/loved ones, and those of our community. This isolation is not mentally good for us and it is harmful to our mental health. And while that is another story, our mental health should be a priority.

Taking care of yourself is like taking pride in yourself – and that’s not a bad thing. If our body is our temple, then why are we disregarding it and not tending to it? Sure, some are, but many are not.

Are you taking care of yourself? Are you properly preparing for your day? Setting intentions? Eating good foods?

Caring for our temples begins from the inside out. We have to look at what we are consuming, are we eating healthy? What are we drinking? Remember, we have to understand moderation.

So, How did we get here?

Honestly, there are several reasons. Many times it can be religions that push not to be vainful and then we have different commercials and magazines that suggest beauty only looks one way thus causing insecurity in those who do not look like the status quo. Also being beat down by stress and abuse (of any kind) can contribute to this as well. For us to be able to do our work here, we must be confident, sovereign, and secure with ourselves.

Taking care of yourself and bringing in more beauty into your life is really important. I feel that if we can learn to make a ritual out of this it can enhance our inner power.

If you feel good about yourself, you will do better in your craft. In the 13 Goals we are guided:

1) Know yourself

2) Know your Craft

3) Learn

4) Apply Knowledge with Wisdom

5) Achieve Balance

6) Keep your Word in Good Order

7) Keep your thoughts in Good Order

8) Celebrate Life

9) Attune with the Cycles of the Earth

10) Breathe and Eat Correctly

11) Exercise the Body

12) Meditate

13) Honor the Goddess and God

Do you make these Goals a priority in your life? This is self love! When was the last time you celebrated life? Are you taking time everyday for you? I hear all the time “I do not have time for that”, yes I know….you have to make time.

Anyone can make a ritual out of this. I am not saying that we have to get up and load on the makeup – but you can if it makes you feel good. At night, take some time to shower, or a hot bath, take care of your skin. That is one thing I notice as well is that many do not take care of their feet, the mode of transportation of our vessel. Turn on some music that you love, light candles, incense or whatever, but take the time for you.

Let’s talk about vanity. That is one word that really gets misused. I am not completely sure if this comes from the Puritan background we have in America (the flesh is sinful) or what, but taking care of you, doing those things that make you feel good about you is NOT a bad thing.

How you feel about yourself is a part of our mental health. All of these little things are connected. Remember, moderation in all things.

Caring for the temple can be as detailed as you want it, but just make sure you do. Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour, always make time to care for you!

OH, Venus is moving into her home sign of Taurus on the 28th….what perfect timing!

Brightest blessings,

Sirona Rose

Discernment, The Creel

Discernment, The Creel

I used to think everything should be out in the open for everyone to see. I felt that knowledge shouldn’t be hidden from anyone and that the secret societies and these hidden facts should be out for everyone to learn and know so that they, too, could better themselves and ultimately the world. I felt that if everyone knew this hidden knowledge the world would be a better place and hopefully the Earth would become a beautiful utopia of milk and honey where there was no lack and we could all coexist in peace. I know that may sound like a wonderful fantasy, but I thought that if they only knew and understood it could actually happen. If people understood the spiritual harm in the things they do maybe it would make a difference. After years of studying hidden truths, and seeing just what has happened when these truths have been spread upon the land I have since changed my mind.

Hidden knowledge, or the Occult as it is formally known, is really not for everyone. To understand many of the things and symbols it does take a lot of commitment in learning. And as we can see that many can’t even commit to themselves, let alone others, it becomes devalued and used against those that do understand or worse, are scared of it. There is a saying from the bible that I was always told “ do not cast pearls before swine”. I never really paid much attention to that statement as I didn’t take the time to figure out what it actually meant. Now I know. Now, since my studies, I do understand that not all information is for everyone. Many do not have the level of understanding to really appreciate the messages. There are some that just want the knowledge in order to do harm. So yes, do not cast your pearls before swine, not everything is meant for public consumption. Now, I do know that much knowledge has been hidden from the public view in fear of the real truth coming out, and I feel that this is not quite the same as I am speaking of. I do feel that those that are knowledgeable enough to appreciate the hidden should be able to see it, but for those that are not mentally prepared it is probably not advisable. Those that hide things to keep themselves in power or in control is a totally different circumstance and that information should come to light. People hiding information to stay in power or in control of others is exactly the reason valuable information is not for everyone. 

I agree that some are not mentally or spiritually ready to accept some truths, some would just use it to harm others, but some would use that information to better the whole world and every living thing that lives upon it – and this is why discernment is crucial. 

The Creel

The world began with a woman,

Shawl-happed; stooped under a creel,

Whose slow step you recognize from troubled dreams.

You feel obliged to help her bear her burden

From the hill or kelp-strewn shore,

But she passes by unseeing thirled to her private chore.

It’s not seabirds or peat she’s carrying, 

Not fleece, nor the herring bright

But her fear that if ever she put it down

The world would go out like a light.

~Kathleen Jamie

Look at our world today. People wanted change. For the US, people wanted out of the status quo and into something different. In 2016 they got it, but you see that took people out of their comfort zones and presented challenges to them showing us that some people may say they’re ready but are not committed enough to push it through. For other parts of the world, change was happening as well but I do not live in those parts so I will stick to what I have been experiencing. America’s soil is soaked in blood, from the moment the settlers landed in the New World it was a struggle. It was up to them to carry the load of making sure they had shelter, food, and clothes; as well as protection from others. Then they had to worry about the Native People that lived in this new land. This New World was created off of blood, sweat, and tears; and where we are now in society there is only a handful that would’ve made it back in those days. We are spoiled beyond comparison, the evidence is of the suffering that others endure in the many different  countries that we hear about. I remember in math class the teachers would say to write the math out that we wouldn’t be carrying a calculator in our pocket – but now we do. We not only carry a calculator, we carry a mini computer in our pockets where at any given moment we can google anything and find out everything. Such wonderful technology and how do we use it? Well by arguing, dividing, bullying, stealing, scamming, propaganda, and other treacherous behaviors. So we have all this technology and yet there are those that use it to harm causing those who want control and power over others to swarm in and act like the savior. So do you understand better about casting pearls before swine? Just imagine what we could accomplish globally if we could all get past the childish, foolish behaviors. Look at our media, we can’t really believe anything that they report. 

Abuse of power has been shown to us globally. So, discernment, do you see why it’s necessary? Some will say that we deserve the opportunity to know the hidden, but do we really? 

I have also heard from others that those who have that valuable knowledge are obligated to let others know, and the best “Who made you the one of discernment?” Well, many times when you receive this hidden knowledge there are oaths that you take and there is also a responsibility that you take on in order to protect the knowledge. Honestly, if someone says something like that to me I automatically think “there’s the reason everything is not out in the open”. I do not think I am better than anyone, it’s not about being better than it’s about being responsible and protecting. 

Don’t believe me? Well, look at how we use the internet. We have the world at our fingertips and how is it being used?

How do we evolve?






As I sit and type this, we are currently going through a pandemic of a virus known as COVID-19 which is making many face their own mortality. We are being told to quarantine into our homes and to not go out unless it is completely necessary. Some people are healing, some are not and are passing on into the next world. While I do hope this gets under control, I am not so naive that I do not understand that there will probably be others who end up sub-coming to this virus.

During this time, many are catching up with family. They are able to sit down and have family meals, to actually have conversations with one another instead of just straight forward words barked at each other while passing one another in the hallway. It is giving us a time of  reconnection and a time to slow down and think about what is truly important in our lives. For some of those that are in abusive relationships I do know this creates a very troubling time and I hope and pray to the Gods that they will be able to find ways out of those relationships. These are interesting times indeed.

For me this has only reminded me of the time that I was faced with my own mortality, an experience that has completely changed me and one I am still healing from. For me, writing has always been an outlet. Some times I find that I am better to explain myself by writing about it, my feelings and experiences, than to speak it. But when you are faced with your own mortality, at times, there are no words at all. When I would sit down to write about it I could only write about what happened, not about how it affected me. I could only see the actions, hear the words, just get a physical view but it just didn’t seem real. This ordeal seemed by a bad dream; one minute good the next min it wasn’t looking so good. As we are facing these times now, my experience and feelings are coming back full stream.

When we are faced with our own mortality, when we realize that we are not invincible, life begins to look differently. Some times we don’t even feel like the same person. I told my daughter not too long ago that I was trying my best to return to ‘normal’, trying to pick up where I left off and get it all back. She then told me that I have a new ‘normal’ now and that the old normal me is gone. Since August of 2017 my life began to change. Things began to happen that took me away from what I identified myself as. I was giving too much of myself to a business that really didn’t appreciate me, just wanted to take all that I had to offer and didn’t want reciprocate fairly. That event took me out of that business and really made me concentrate on me – more specifically, my health. It wasn’t until August of 2019 that I then came face to face with my own mortality which brought more change into my life, not easy ones at all. I was in between, teetering in between this world and the other. I was walking that line between life and death, going back and forth between fighting for my life or just giving up. I cant even imagine how my daughter and Mother felt as they saw me lying there on the hospital bed looking so weak and vulnerable, totally opposite of who I was before. The outgoing, vibrant, confident woman that I was before seem to disappear in that hospital bed with all the IV bags going into my body. The woman who was always the strong one was now the one needing the help. I felt so lost as everything seem to have come crashing down around me. I felt helpless and that was one of the worse feelings I ever had. My life was then in the hands of a doctor, who had wonderful bed side etiquette, who then told me that he would do all he could do to help me heal and beat this issue. It was a very humbling experience. Luckily, my body did heal enough to stop seeing the doctor so regularly but emotionally, mentally, and physically I had some work to do.

One of the biggest hurdles I have had to jump is the “normal life” one. To go back to where I was before all the chaos ensued, to pick up those pieces and carry on – but that’s not easy. What if you can’t do what you did before? What if your priorities change? You see when something like this happens you change. I feel that in all challenges we face there is a reason and something very valuable to learn. And it could simply be telling you that you do, in fact, need to change directions that you are off course. I know back in 2017 I definitely needed a change. I was super stressed out in a job where I was completely over worked, and here was no boundaries. That event changed the direction of my life. At first, it was hard because that job was my number one priority and pretty much became how I identified myself. Then I found myself trying to uncover myself that had been buried beneath the ashes of the past. I am finding that ‘going back to normal’ isn’t an option as that time has already come and gone. Time is like a following river, it passes you by very quickly. Everything changes in our world as change is our only constant. Trauma is a means which causes transformation in our lives, it is one that leaves a scar. Healing from this wound can take time, a moment where you need to pause and clearly look at your surroundings. You’re not the same after trauma as you are thrown violently into a new world where you know absolutely nothing. The old you is gone and the new you is now here to go forward. It may take some time for you to heal, but this new you is a lot stronger and wiser because this you faced the angel of death and lived to tell the tale.

Many Blessings,

Sirona Rsoe




The longer I walk on my path, the deeper understandings I have. One thing is about using the word ‘toxic’. I have read article after article, post after post that speaks of “toxic people”. At first, I was cool with that word, as we all know bad apples, but now I’m not so sure. It seems there is a label for everything these days, and it feels this word just seems to fall in that place. Now, it’s the term ‘toxic people ‘ but let’s look at these more closely. 

The definition of toxic is containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation (per Mariam Webster) and other dictionaries describe is as “extremely harmful or harsh, malicious, or a substance that can cause death or serious debilitation”, so basically not good for your health. And the word people are defined as human beings in general or considered collectively (per Oxford dictionary). So both mean human beings that are harmful to your health. 

Let’s think about this for a moment. When I was growing up I wasn’t raised by a grandmother that was knowledgeable to the herbs, in fact, she wasn’t even really taught to cook with them. Now gardening veggies and certain flowers she taught me, but the uses of herbs not so much. There are some things (natural healing) that she did, but honestly, it was limited. It was when I moved to North Carolina (several years ago, brief stay) that I met some wonderful herbologists and I began learning the Wise Women Tradition that I really began my deep learning. Sure I had read books, but it was when I had a mentor that could show me and guide me that I really began to bloom. I was taught many wonderful things, one being is that we do not refer to herbs toxic, because herbs aren’t toxic just because they contain a certain substance doesn’t mean they are bad, remember everything does have a purpose. And as many wise herbalists will tell you, it is all about the dose; as even a little bit can do a lot of good. 

Did you know that potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and goji berries are some of the nightshade plants that we eat? And some on a daily basis!

So this goes back to the tern “toxic people”, just because they contain certain qualities doesn’t make them bad, they just have certain qualities that may not be for your liking – or well being. 

I feel that, in today’s world, we have gone from “don’t label me” to “label everything” and maybe that isn’t exactly the healthiest thing to do. Especially the word toxic, or in particular “toxic people” is just simply overused. Honestly, if you take a deeper look, by mainstream thinking, everyone is toxic. This label is not only inaccurate, but it is also regurgitated vocal sewage that is just tainting the true understanding of life. 

But, going back to herbal studies, let’s look at the word dose. Honestly, too much of anything isn’t good for us. I know that Mark Twain is quoted as saying something along the lines of “too much of anything is bad, except good whiskey” but even that isn’t healthy for everyone. 

When we find a plant that contains a certain substance that isn’t healthy for us, we simply avoid it; such as nightshades, we only consume/use a safe amount of the plant – dosage. And this goes for people as well. Some people have had different circumstances that have occurred in their lives so they can be too fearful, too angry, or just too much something that doesn’t agree with us and this can be caused by unprocessed traumas. This can cause them to act out in ways that may be unwanted to us, so we just need to be cautious of them if we choose to interact with them. Instead of jumping to these labels of division, why not just gain a better understanding. Are there people that act in ways that are not cohesive to our life? Well, yes, so just avoid them, or lower your dosage. But even still, everything has its place and its purpose. Maybe that person you call toxic is there to wake you up to something within you that you have been avoiding? Maybe they are crying out of help in their own way? I feel that people are here for lessons, good or bad. Some will say “People come into your life to bring you lessons or blessings”, but I feel that lessons and blessings as one and the same. These lessons can teach us many things about our Self that we probably wouldn’t have even realized had they not entered your life. There are reasons and purposes. 

Now I do feel that certain titles/labels are appropriate as they can describe what we do, but I do not feel we need to get carried away and use words inappropriately. Sure, these are just my thoughts and I am sure others may think differently and that’s okay. But to me, with people just like with herbs, we need to practice caution and pay attention to the dosage. 


Sirona Rose

The Widowed God


I know the title may sound funny coming from a Priestess of the Goddess in a matriarch tradition, but I feel this is a subject we really need to look at. In my training, the first years were focused upon the Goddess and all of her unconditional love. The Goddess energy is all encompassing, all inclusive. She accepts all, as She is all. Mother Goddess energy is a warm fuzzy blanket on a cold night.

With the beginning of Orthodox Christianity, the beginning of the Catholic church began the eradication of the Goddess. Not only were they wiping out the divine feminine, they were essentially killing other parts of God…leaving only the harsh, judgmental energy of the Divine Masculine. And I guess that is what happens to all men who lose their beloved, they become cold and bitter. That movement began the Dark Ages, they lead us into a time full of darkness and the energy of a grieving God. In today’s world, the spread of the Divine Feminine, or Goddess, is spreading rapidly. Her nurturing Mother energy is very appealing, especially for those who have never felt it. She includes all and accepts us as we are. It is the God who teaches us that healthy boundaries are important. He teaches us that while we want to help all, that charity starts at home. If you can not care for your own family, then how do you expect to care for others. My great grandfather always told me that I couldn’t complain about someone else’s mess if I have one of my own. The God energy, Divine Masculine, is very much needed. He, like the first Law of Nature, is self-perseverance…of family and self. The God does have loving energy as well, as he is the protector…defending that which he loves til his death. He is born on the Winter Solstice, dances with the Goddess so we can have a hardy bounty until he begins his descent into the Underworld to be reborn once more. Now it is his descent that I wish to discuss now.

This past Summer Solstice, I was invited to a Summer Solstice get-together at the beach. Now, this is nothing new, as I have attended these many times. The sun and the moon rising over the beach is absolutely beautiful. One year we got to catch them totally equal in the sky..well from our view anyway. Normally, the dolphins will come and join us for the celebration. We are celebrating the zenith of the Sun, rejoicing in his warmth, his love of the people, and his beloved, Mother Earth. During this get-together, there was the talk of the Goddess. Those asking for her assistance, expressing their gratitude, even one lady shared her Sufi training. All and all, it was a great time to gather with women and share in this holy day. What was upsetting to me, is that the God was not mentioned. Sure I shared a story of a fox that had been coming to see me, and I mentioned the wolf; but other than that, no mention of God or the Divine Masculine. What was bad is that it was HIS day! It was the day that he would begin his descent into the Underworld. It is the day that the Sun shined his very brightest, giving it his very last bang he has in him. From that day, the sun grows weaker, night becomes longer. No one, except me, mentioned the God; no one thanked Him. I felt sadness as every one decided to depart and go to the water and bath in Mother’s water, not even realizing that to the Norse, the sea is the God Njord.

I think that the patriarch society has put such a negative view on masculine energy, that many have great issues considering God. And I understand, being a past Southern Baptist, I completely understand. I was introduced to the negative side, the harsh judgmental, “to as I say or burn in hell” type God. I can see how some have trouble recognizing Him. But Him, the true Divine Masculine God Energy is one of the most beautiful energies. He tells us “show me your wounds, not so that I can use them against you….so that I know how to love you to help you heal”. His energy is gentle, but just as the Goddes, can turn on a dime. He takes us the wood, where he runs wild with the maiden, showing us vitality. He takes us on the wild hunt, where we are the hunter…as well as the prey. He shows us all we can accomplish by applying yourself and focusing on our goals. But he also shows us that understanding the Laws of Nature is mandatory if we want to be successful. These boundaries are they to help us focus and manifest, he is our action and physical manifestation. He is a truly amazing force when not pushed to an extreme. Now, this extremity can be both ways, masculine as well as feminine, so we must be conscious of that. To me, not acknowledging the God energy, especially on his day, was a feminine energy extreme. Now I know there are Dianic Wiccans out there that might disagree, that is them. Now I am not claiming the God is equal to the God, because (in my tradition) there are only 2 times a year that happens…Spring and Autumn equinoxes.

We may have negative memories of the patriarch God, but we must not hold it against the Divine Masculine God. The God went from having temples standing side by side to his loving consort, the Goddess, to being alone and feared. Many of us have bad memories with men as well, many of those coming from the churches of these patriarchal religious establishments; but please know this is not true Divine Masculine Energy. We have to understand that just as these Orthodox Christians tried to wipe out all the Goddess energy – natural healing, working with Earth’s energy, acceptance of all – they also killed the other aspects of the God, leaving him wounded, bitter, and alone. To me, this is so sad and heart-wrenching. Although there will never be a true balance, we must learn to bring both of these energies together so that we all can coexist happily, healthfully, having harmonic abundance.

Although my Goddess comes first, I will not overlook the energy of the God, and I will always be grateful for him and for the sacrifices he makes so that we may have a bountiful harvest. As we come up on our holy day Lughnasadh, Lammas, may we take a moment and give thanks to the God as well. From the first striking of the wheat, til holy day Samhain when he is in the Underworld; he gives us hope and reassurance that death isn’t the end as it leads us to rebirth.

Many Blessings,

Sirona Rose

The Emperor, the Father


Honestly, I wasn’t raised with a stable father-figure. My Mom and Dad divorced when I was young, my grandfather, that was my father-figure, passed before I was 10, I did have my great grandmother was around and was there for me the best he could. He was old, my great grandfather, so he was limited in how much he could participate in my life. Also, being raised Southern Baptist didn’t help my connection with God energy either. So, obviously, I am more prone to go toward the Goddess energy.

In my Priestess path, my connection with the Goddess is tremendous…but we can not forget how important the God is in the Priestess path. The Horned God takes the Priestess by the hand, introducing her to the wild kingdom, and the wondrous energy of the masculine. No, not the patriarch that we experience today…its deep, intense, sensual masculine energy. I see pictures and posts all the time that speak about how women can only open up to the wild-nature if she is one with the Goddess. I say She must be one with BOTH. Both have to exist within the Priestess at the same time, helping her feed her Soul the great nutrients it needs. The God is not demanding, only guiding. The God helps us identify our goals, and pursue them. He teaches us how to aim the bow, making sure the tension is correct for our arrow, giving us the strength to pull it back, and the focus to see our target with clarity.

This weekend we are having Father’s Day in the US, then a few days later we have Litha. At Litha the Sun God is at his zenith. We are midsummer and life is coming forward from every where. The Goddess is frolicking in the wildflowers and enjoying the passion the Horned God is offering the Earth. Here he is showing us something important, oh so very important. Life is circular, its fast, fleeting, and then it withers….only to be reborn. The Goddess tells us that womb and tomb is one in the same; and the God teaches us to celebrate the in-between.

Below I am enclosing an interpretation of the Emperor Card (by Kim Huggins and a guy?). It touched me very deeply, maybe because I am an Aries, but I think it is more of the Great Horned God speaking to me. I feel as if he is sitting before me, teaching me hands on, step by step, on mastering the true essence of ME. The rest is between the Great Goddess, Great God and I.

“The first time a would-be warrior holds his sword, he believes power to be inherently resonant in the sword itself. Many of those who create tools to create something in their life, think the power and the ability lies within the tool itself. But when the would be warrior learns to wield the sword, he learns the power lies with him and therefore all the responsibility for that power lies in him and his actions. The throne upon which a ruler sits is given the honor to be seat of his power yet no order, no laws, or power come from that throne. It comes from the ruler sitting upon it. Many would be Warriors seek training in the skills of the  sword and ax, I first teach them the art of self control and discipline. Because how can you act with responsibility, and the whole weight of your power if you do not understand what it means to give order to something? I am the man of War who can teach you to own your power, teach you to act in this world with precision, courage, force, and ambition. I am the honored Sun King who does not fight or seek conflict. Conflict demonstrates power imbalance and the desire for power. Power is never to be a goal but a resource within you that you can access if you understand order and responsibility.”

And this is why training is necessary; this is why you should have a mentor or some one experienced and season to help you on your path; this is why the two must exist together. In our Path today, you can see many imbalances. And when you begin to become a vessel for both of these energies…..magic happens!

Many Blessings

Priestess Sirona Rose

Ghost Cow


The cow, in Celtic culture, is seen as a very sacred animal as it is associated with the Goddess Brigit. The cow represents motherhood, as it is highly connected to the Earth. Also, the milk was very sacred as well, as our ancestors depended on the milk to feed the new babies, as well as the human family as well. The cow represents Mother Earth, Gaia, and is associated with fertility, birth, nurturing, teaches us how to withstand the rough storms, compassion, and healing the soul. Cows are feminine lunar energy, the essence of the Divine Feminine.

So what about the Ghost Cow? The Ghost cow is the Crone version of the cow. I am constantly reminded by my HPS that the womb and tomb are one in the same. To explain that a bit, in the triad, Maiden, Mother, and Crone, the Maiden and Crone stand back to back. In our spiritual lives, if we are actually dealing with our issues, we are constantly dying and being reborn. Everything changes, seasons and cycles, its our only constant. So knowing all this, especially it being right about my solar and Saturn return, I knew change was once again a’knockin on my door. In my 2nd degree (going on 3rd), after having a wreck that completely changed my life, upsets and confusions in my job, my surgery (where I am physically marked on the throat), Ostara….and now a return.

The Ghost Cow tells us that the season has changed, there is another role (a rebirth) that is going to happen to you. Since regular cows are symbols of new life, here we have an ending to an old. Not a death where you are brand new, no this is one where you are lead through the underworld cleansing the soul of the fragmented baggage that the heartaches of the world will often leave a woman. She cleanses your soul so that you may grow and become your highest creative expression. She makes you look face to face with the oldness dying and falling away from you. She teaches you how this that you have outgrown, doesnt belong anymore. How long you stay there is entirely up to you, do you really want better? Many get stuck there, as they would rather roll around in their issues than to heal them and move past them. When you have dealt with your own issues, you are washed clean in the milky waters and spiritually rebirthed.

With your Soul healed, you can once again look at world with creative eyes. Live our lives in more understanding and compassion. With all this nurturing energy, she taught us that as we do and serve, we must also serve our mind, body and soul as well. We are walking with her message to embrace life and create at your highest expression.

Like , Death and rebirth..transformation.


Sirona Rose

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