I will be doing this reading a bit different.  With all that has been going on, I know many sensitives are really having a hard time.  We are finding truths that may have been well hidden or maybe ones we didn’t really want to know.  Time spent with your Self will be very beneficial.  Try to have this alone time in nature as much as possible.  This is the time to really keep our hopes up, see the golden lining or the sunny side of the situation.  This is a time to feed your Soul here, and keep releasing those things that keep you down.  This Gemini Full Moon is about communication, speaking, writing, teaching, listening, a sharing of ideas. Remember, you are a spiritual being having a human experience.  Full moons shine the light on things, and it brings things to completion.  As I was shuffling the deck the Lover’s card flew out, then I felt that this is to be the message for this time.


The Lover’s Card tells us to make heart centered decisions.  It is best to put the feelings and welling being of your loved ones and your self first.  Here is a reminder to keep our head and heart balanced.  It is time to celebrate all the love you have in your life.  Whether it be family, friendship, your passions or just showing yourself some Self love.  Do what empowers you!  All that we have is NOW.  We don’t have tomorrow or yesterday, we have NOW.  And in the moment of Now, we have the power Me…it is everything.  Love in a way that transforms the world!

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.  ~Melody Beattie

Here in the US it is the Thanksgiving holiday.  I like to call it Gratitude day. We should always take a moment and express our gratitude every day, but on this day, especially after Samhain (Halloween, our last harvest), this is the perfect time to be grateful.  Be grateful for all things that got you to where you are.  If you are still breathing, that in it’s self is a blessing.

I am truly grateful to all of you that read and enjoy my readings.  I hope they help you on your journey.  I wish you all love that lasts for all of eternity and a peace that transcends time.

Many Blessings,
